Cost-Effective Water Solutions for Dairy Processing

Streamline dairy processing with Voigtlaender’s advanced water disinfection system. Proven to reduce costs and ensure compliance with national water standards

Investment Cost
0 K
TVO Compliance
0 %
Daily Water Treated


The cost of cleaning and disinfecting water in food and dairy processing is a significant factor for producers. To remain competitive and meet strict national standards, the client needed an innovative, cost-effective solution to optimize water disinfection


Voigtlaender’s system doses Anolyte directly into the main water pipe, treating approximately 100 m³ of water daily. The system includes measurement and control features to store operating parameters for audits. Investment: €55,000 (excluding transport and installation)


Project Scope

Ensure Dairy Processing Excellence

Upgrade your dairy production with Voigtlaender’s innovative water solutions, reducing costs and meeting national standards

Trusted by Food Industry Leaders

Join leading dairy processors in optimizing water treatment with Voigtlaender. Proven solutions for compliance, efficiency, and safety

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